Dry Fog System


 Environmental Engineering & Industrial Pollution Control system now has become an important role in the Industry. During past years, conventional spraying system used for dust  suppression system in Industrial air pollution control system
We have observed a few problems raised during operation of the conventional spraying system to control the dust of various characters during the last years period. Industrial raw material contents certain percentage of dust particles. Basically the breathable and fugitive dust particle of sizes from 1 – 800 microns, creates air pollution. Basically, the water particles of conventional water spraying dust suppression system can not agglomerate with fugitive fine dust particles ranges from 1 – 20 microns, Hence, modern environmental technology has developed Dry Fog dust suppression system to control both breathable and non-breathable dust to control industrial air pollution to meet the norms of Pollution Control Board. The system utilizes a dual fluid nozzle, which produces fog by creating ultra fine droplet particles. Only compressed air and water passing through inner chamber and the resonating zone of   the duel fluid nozzle, which generates fine water droplets like the fog particles.  As the moisture contents collide with the fog droplets particle is very negligible, hence, it is called Dry Fog. 

Ultra fine water particle agglomerates the air borne dust particles, generated during conveying of material through conveyers, dumper unloading, heavy air movement or any other reasons. The dust particle becomes heavy and fall down to the original stream of material flow. To achieve better performance of dust controlling system, it requires
a)      Better agglomeration and strong collision between dust and water particles. 
b) The respirable dust particles are very fine of  dia 1 – 10 microns. The fine dust particle can only collide  with approx. same sizes of water droplets, which can only be generated with the dry fog system only. 
 c) Generation of fine fog water particles should be more than that pf dust generation at the application zone.

d) Fog particles have to contain in the dust generation zone. Hence, to achieve best performance, we have to enclose the generated dust at the application point properly to make it able to agglomerate properly.

 We describe here with how to achieve agglomeration. Consider a water droplet about to impinge on the dust particle or a dust particle about to impinge on the water droplet as shown in the drawing. If the droplet diameter is greater than the dust particle, it simply follows the air stream lines around a droplet, a little or no contact occurs. In fact, it is difficult to impact between a micron size dust particles with a comparatively bigger size water particle as because the dust particle is not able to penetrate the internal air stream separator, simply follows the air stream line. On the other hand contact occurs between comparatively same sizes of dust and Water particles

DUST SOLLUTION SYSTEM has developed a team with the experienced engineers, who have been working in the field of industrial air pollution control system since last few years. They have succeeded  and  got the best performance with their design, engineering, equipments and execution of Dry Fog Dust Suppression System in various applications.    A specially designed duel fluid nozzle has been used to produce very dense of fog of  size 1 – 10 microns water droplets.
              The fog creates an envelop around the dust generating source and prevents the dust particles to become airborne. The nozzle is an air driven device for generating fog by passing through a field of high frequency sound waves. The internal converge section of nozzle accelerates the air stream above sonic velocity which generates a primary shock
 Waves. A resonating chamber in the path of air stream reflects the air stream with resonator of the nozzle to amplify the primary shock waves.
On the other hand, water delivered through annular orifices passes through primary shock waves zone sheared into relatively small droplets. These small droplets are then carried out by primary air stream and passing through the shock waves zone and exploded into thousands of water droplets of very small size. The air then escapes around the resonating chamber and carries droplets downstream in a soft and low velocity of fog pattern.


a)              Dust generation prevented at source.
b)             Moisture addition is very negligible at the rang of approx. 0.1%.
c)              Dust nuisance tendency becomes nominal at transfer points.
d)             No adverse effect on the material handled. Material handling equipments like conveyors, screen, crusher, chutes, hoppers, feeders have no jamming problems, hence they do not clog/chock.
e)              Operation cost is very nominal.
f)              Easy to install, coverage area is very negligible.


  Coal handling plant              Coke handling plants                   Iron Ore handling plants
  Bauxite handling plants         Lignite handling plants                 Cargo handling plants
  Lime stone handling plants    Refined ore processing plants     Crusher plants
  Steel plants                          Sponge Iron plant                       Foundries
  Iron Ore crushing plant        Rock crushing plant                     Blast Furnace
  Hopper Loading                  Wagon Tripler Loading                Transfer Points